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Microsoft Ignite The Tour Sydney

  • International Convention Centre Sydney (map)

Bank Grade Security

Banks and financial services providers love to make some big claims when it comes to the security of their products and networks. The truth is, the phrase "bank grade security" has become an oxymoron. Many institutions have failed to implement basic security controls, least to keep ahead of security curve. Yet we continue to place considerable trust in them, and put up with security controls that are counter-productive, all to maintain the theatre of security.


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Attendees: 187
Overall this session was valuable: 91.07%
The content was valuable: 94.64%
The presentation of the session was effective: 92.86
The demonstrations were valuable: 89.09

Thanks for sharing your story on the mental health of security professionals.

Kieran was an outstanding presenter and delivered the content in a interesting, informative way. I've already recommended to others!

Amazing. Best talk by a mile today.

Session of the event so far. Excellent technical depth and practical walk away actions

Kieran's talk has spurred me into action (I work for one of the mentioned companies).Very clear speaker (the speech to text was flawless) and very engaging, Kieran has given me actionable insights to work on.

Kieran was an excellent presenter and was able to articulate the content effectively as well as present possibly dry content in a very engaging way.


Earlier Event: February 10
Melbourne Cloud and Datacenter Meetup
Later Event: May 1
Microsoft 365 May